Google Business Profile

Did you know that Google dominates the global search market with a staggering 92% share? For small businesses, having a Google Business Profile is essential for online credibility.

But here’s the thing: For years, a physical address was mandatory for a Google Business Profile, making it inaccessible to home-based business owners (like me!) unwilling to disclose their home addresses due to privacy concerns.

Well, I have good news. A recent update from google allows you to create a Google Business Profile without a physical address. If you don’t believe me, go to google and search for “Avi Fox Business Consulting” and you’ll see mine. No physically address - fully built out profile with lots of reviews.

Although Google Business Profile creation is totally something I do for my clients and you can hire me for, you can also DIY your way through it. Here’s how:

To set up your Google Business Profile, visit and follow the provided instructions. This entails uploading images, completing information fields, linking your website, and more, before going live.

Once your profile is live, focus on gathering reviews from satisfied clients or customers. Compile a list of individuals you'd like to request reviews from, and craft personalized messages including a link to your Google Business Profile.

Pro Tip: For those who have already left reviews on other platforms like LinkedIn or your website, streamline the process by sending them their existing review along with the link to your Google Business Profile. Simplifying the process can significantly boost participation.

To streamline my review-gathering process, I created a Google Review Tracker spreadsheet to streamline gathering my previous client list, track review requests, and store submitted reviews so I have the copy to use elsewhere (like on my website).

If you'd like to use my Google Review Tracker for free, drop your email below to view my template and make a copy for yourself.

Happy Google-Business-Profile creating - you got this!

Access Google Review Tracker:


P.S. Wondering what the backend of a google business profile looks like? Here is a screenshot of mine. If you would like to outsource the set-up of your google business profile, feel free to reach out and see if I can help.


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